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chemical protective clothing factory:How to correctly take off disposable protective clothing?

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chemical protective clothing factory:How to correctly take off disposable protective clothing?


The places where staff wear protective equipment are generally relatively clean, but it is not necessary to take off protective clothing, so the requirements for taking off protective equipment are more strict and the process is more. Next, chengge Xiaobian will let you know if you take off your protective clothing.

The first step is to disinfect the outer gloves with 75% alcohol, then take off the gloves, throw the reverse side outward into the Yellow medical waste garbage bag, and wear new outer gloves.

Step 2: take off the protective screen and remember not to touch the screen with your hands.

Step 3: take off the protective clothing. When taking off, the reverse side must face outward, roll it from top to bottom, and put it into the Yellow medical waste garbage bag.

Step 4: take off the outer gloves and disposable waterproof boots together, put them into the Yellow medical waste garbage bag, and disinfect the inner gloves.

Step 5: take off the medical protective mask and disinfect the gloves. Put the mask into the Yellow medical waste garbage bag, pay attention not to touch the face with both hands, and disinfect the inner gloves.

Step 6: gently pull the outside of the working cap with your hand and take off the disposable working cap. Take it off and put it into the Yellow medical waste bag.

Step 7: take off the inner gloves.

Step 8: disinfect your hands at the end and wash your hands with clean water.



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